In the near future those who play sports will hear a lot about CBD. Taking up considerable space in the first 2020 edition of Outdoor Retailer, there were many companies marketing CBD-based medicine and cosmetics.
Derived from hemp, CBD, also called cannabinol, is under wide discussion in Brazil for its many benefits, and there are already several companies eager to expand their business throughout Latin America.
Among the properties that were most repeated by each salesperson at Outdoor Retailer was that of muscle relaxant (helping to treat pain and bruises), combating insomnia and anxiety, and appetite regulator. But all were very clear that cannabinol does not have any psychoactive effect.
Therefore, because it does not have any psychoactive effect, there is no reason for any kind of prejudice against CBD.
What is CBD?
CBD or cannabinol is one of 80 chemicals found in the hemp plant. But unlike THC (the most famous cannabinoid, which has a psychoactive effect) CBD does not cause “cheapness”. In popular language: CBD does not make anyone “high” or “stoned”.
There is no case or report of this happening.
Cannabinol can be obtained from hemp and is gaining prominence in the cosmetic and drug industry, as well as the food industry, for its ability to combat epilepsy, anxiety, chronic pain, and health problems in animals.
All these benefits have been verified by hundreds of scientific studies, which have demonstrated effectiveness and a high degree of efficacy in combating health problems.
CBD exerts many effects by interacting with different parts of the brain and body, activating some neural receptors and inhibiting others in ways that researchers are still working to understand better. Studies have shown that cannabinol can activate the brain’s serotonin system, causing an anxiety-reducing effect.
Other studies show that CBD can raise levels of certain neurotransmitters that protect against seizures. Cannabinol does not activate the same parts of the brain and body (specifically, the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2) as THC. Therefore, this is why it does not produce the same euphoric feelings as hemp.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, research shows CBD to be safe and without significant side effects. Even for those who claim to be chemically dependent on any illicit drug.
Sativa, indica and Ruderalis: What’s the difference?
Technically speaking: very little difference between the hemp plants. The consensus among botanists, growers, and scientists now is that the difference between them was exaggerated by those selling the herb for recreational purposes.

The term hemp indicates is a compact plant with dark, broad leaves and a stronger aroma. Among the species, Hemp sativa is taller, with narrower leaves and a lighter color and smell. Hemp sativa has become known as the preferred choice of potheads.
There are differences between the amount of THC, but not too marked. They all contain cannabinol and similar amounts. But from a practical point of view, there are numerous chemical elements in hemp, such as cannabinoids (like THC and CBD).
CBD-based remedies in athletes
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) last year removed cannabinol from its list of banned substances, which opened the door for triathletes, cyclists, runners and other athletes to use it (as long as it is not banned by their regional bodies or regulations).
Many ill-informed journalists (especially sports journalists), some even with a load of prejudice, just criticized without any basis or prior research. They treated THC and CBD as the same thing. As described above, they are not.
There is no scientific evidence that CBD will make a person addicted to the product. But various sports entities have limiters for the amount of cannabinol in the blood. Therefore, the use of cannabinol by professional athletes should be very careful.
If the same sports commentators and journalists had researched the subject soon after the WADA announcement, numerous sports professionals have openly spoken out about the use of CBD in the treatment of chronic pain, injury recovery, pre-game anxiety, and sleep control.
For complete information about CBD, then all you have to do is to visit cbd capsules uk.